Wednesday 5 May 2010

In response to Dixon, Keeley

Hi Keeley

I read your blog on masturbation and I totally agree. It is an embarrassing subject to talk about and if I did talk to my mum about what I learnt in that subject I guaranty that I would of got a slap. The truth is that even though it is embarrassing and wrong people still do it. Some people think its natural and it’s perfectly fine but in my opinion I think its nasty and I don’t get why people do it? Come on why would anyone want to jerk themselves off? Find a girl/man to do that, you don’t need your hand lol!

Monday 3 May 2010

Joy Riding

Joy riding in the UK is a criminal offence for many reasons. Joy riding is a slang term used in the UK for stealing a vehicle and driving it, with the driver being underage.

Although this is a criminal offence it does not stop youngsters today from going joy riding. Many youngsters go joy riding for the adrenaline rush they feel. When they are behind the wheel of a car, they feel free. They are able to escape from their troubles and do as they please. However when youngsters are going out and joy riding, they are mostly drunk or under the influence of drugs so they are not fully aware of their surroundings and their reactions are slower than usual.

This can leave these youngsters in a web of trouble and in worst case scenario, the may end killing someone and themselves in the process.

There are endless reasons as to why youngsters go out joy riding. For many its simply the thrill they receive, for others it to get away from reality.

I believe that even though joy riding is a criminal offence, morally it is bad as well. It can ruin young people’s lives, ending them before they even begun. Although it is a criminal offence many youngsters do it. Youngsters where I live go out joy riding without anyone saying anything about it. Around here it is seen as normal to see a teenager behind the wheel of a car. However the police are around on the streets more thus these youngsters are being stopped.

All in all, joy riding is bad. Although many youngsters try and justify it as being just a little bit of fun, there are disastrous consequences associated with this little bit of fun.

The links below explain what joy riding is and what the consequences associated with it are:

The images below show the realities of joy-riding:

Sunday 2 May 2010

In response to Rees, Harriet

Hi Rees, Harriet

I read you blog on racism and I believe that everyone has been racist once in there lives even if they not aware of it. The reason why people are racist is because they either inherit from family, friends and the media. Even though the government is trying to prevent racism by running campaigns there are still racism happing in our daily lives. I believe that even though there are loads of campaigns happening there will always be some form of racism in our lives.

Back Biting

Back biting is done by everyone. Those who claim that they do no do it, are simply denying the fact that they do. The definition of back biting is to speak spitefully or slanderously about a person without them being present. Although this is not seen as a crime by society, simple back biting can ruin a person regardless of how much power they may possess.

Back biting can lead to a number of outcomes. Firstly, if slanderous words about people get around, it will have a negative impact on the person the slander is about. It can lead to the person becoming distressed and may end up them being cast out of society.

It can also affect how much a person trusts another. If someone is slandered against, others are less likely to trust them and will react d ifferently towards them.

In my opinion there is no way to justify back biting. Back biting is simply wrong. It can ruin a person’s reputation and end up them being cast away from their society. For example I come from an Asian background and there is certain things that are frowned upon within my community. However even though it is frowned upon, the youngsters within the community still do it. These youngsters are then spoken bad of to others which eventually affects them and their families. Thus giving them a bad reputation within the community.

The links below show what back biting can do to a community:

The images below demonstrate back-biting:

Saturday 1 May 2010

In response to Cunningham-johnson, Nye

Hi Cunningham-johnson, Nye

I read you blog and I totally agree. I live in Aston and there are so many police around given young teenager ASBOz because they are hanging around streets corners chilling. The reason why the police are given young teenager so many ASBOz is because local resistant are complaining saying that they don’t feel comfortable with young teenagers hanging around there neighborhoods. I think that if the government gave young teenagers places to go like youth clubs and build new facilities like astro turfs for playing football, all this ASBO crap won’t be needed, the young teenagers will have somewhere to go instead of chilling on the streets corners.


Greed can mean a number of things to different people. Nut ultimately it has the one definition, the excessive desire to possess more than what one needs or deserves.

Many are guilty of being greedy. Although we possess more than we need, we are always wanting more. For example money. The thirst for money drives many people to carry out criminal offences such as dealing drugs so that they could make their money and live that extravagant lifestyle that their greed has driven them to.

Greed can also ruin people’s lives. Due to their greed, people can lose their family and those that are close to them as they will do what ever it takes to gain what they want. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Although it is a sin, it is also bad in general as it can ruin people’s lives and hurt others in the process.

I personally feel that greed is one of them things that once a person gets a taste of something, they are likely to keep doing it. For example if a person is used to an extravagant lifestyle and always get what they want, their thirst for possession will grow and will continue to grow as they will not be satisfied with what they have but will continually want more. Even though they do not need it and probably will not use any of it, they still need to have it in their possession. I believe that greed is bad as it drives people to become someone they are not as they strive to possess more than they need and lose disregard for those around them.

The links below define what greed is and how it may affect a person:

The images below also demonstrate greed:

Thursday 29 April 2010

In response to Krumbein, Jon-james blog

Hi Krumbein, Jon-james

In my opinion I don’t think that video games are that all bad and I don’t think that we should blame games for violence for young kids in today’s society. There is enough violence out there on the streets for young kids to be influenced by. Games are games and we enjoy playing them for our entertainment and its something to do when we are tired. I enjoy playing video games in my spare time and I don’t think it right to banned games because of all the violence we have in today’s society.


Swearing, also known as bad or foul language is used by everyone on a daily basis. Even though it is used on a daily basis, it does not make it right. There are a number of reasons as to why people swear. They can range from them being angry and expressing their feelings to simply being a bad habit. Whatever the reason, bad language is not permitted within many people’s views.

In today’s society many people have become immune to others using foul language around them. The youths of today are suspected mainly of using swear words as their everyday language. However, it is not only the youths who use such language. Swearing is becoming a norm for society. People swear regardless of how it may impact other people. For example people may get offended by the use of bad language but may not say anything. Because people do not say anything, it does not make it right.

I believe that the use of foul language is simply wrong. It is morally wrong and is offensive to people. People may swear when they are angry or frustrated but it should not be used as everyday language like it is in today’s society.

The links below state why swearing is used and how it is becoming permissible:

The images below are often portrayed for swearing in the media:

Wednesday 28 April 2010

In to reponce to Satti, Mohammed

Hi Satti. Mohammed

In response to your blog on plagiarism I believe that using someone else’s work does help one develop their own ideas. It is permissible to use the piece as a guide or as a reference. However I also agree with you on what you say about passing it off as your own. To that extent it is wrong as someone else has worked hard to create the piece of work and by passing it off as your own, you are taking the credit for something you have not done. With plagiarism comes the risk of being caught and once someone has been caught for plagiarism, the consequence for their actions are likely to be dire depending on what stage of the academic ladder one is on.


There are a number of definitions for envy. The best definition is that it is an emotion felt by people when a person lacks something that belongs to another. This can be absolutely anything, from a possession to an achievement.

Envy is one of the seven deadly sins. It has been given that title as it can cause people to act in a number of ways, endangering themselves and others in the process.

Also known as the `green-eyed monster`, envy can lead people to harm their loved ones. In a year many women are the victims of envy. They are the victims of violent attacks from their boyfriends, husbands etc because they feel insecure about the attention their other half is attracting. Due to this envy can lead them to commit crimes they would not commit if they were able to control their feelings.

I believe that envy like a number of things can destroy a person’s life, therefore making it into something that is bad. Everyone feels envious about things. It is human nature to. Yet envy can cause people to commit crimes they would not do had they not been envious of something or someone.

The links below explain exactly what envy is and how it can affect people’s lives:

The images below also show what envy is and the effects it has:

Tuesday 27 April 2010

In response to Laura's blog

”i personally don't mind a flutter every so often, bingo scratch cards and occasionally the odd bet like the grand national. but i think if your gonna Gamble you need to be honest with yourself as well as your family, you will then realise how much your you gamble and weather it is innocent.”

HI Laura

I read you blog and agree on what you think on gamblling. Gambling is as same as any other addiction and once you are addicted most often people don’t admit to it and until that person has done something major that is related to gambling then they’ll realize that they are addicted.


The porn industry is a thriving business in the UK and all around the world. The older and younger generation turn to porn to learn about sex and for other personal reasons.

Britain is in a state of sexual meltdown and teenagers are the group who are most at risk. STIs are increasing and 21 teenagers get pregnant every day. In addition to this up to two thirds of teens are receiving potentially harmful information and impressions about sex via the accessibility, quantity and graphic nature of internet pornography.

The internet has led to an explosion of accessible sexual content on young people’s computers and mobile phones. This easy access has and unlimited access to porn affects both children and adults.

In a world where many young people use porn to learn about sex, picking-up potentially dangerous behaviors and attitudes along the way, can lead them to under age sex and to produce films of themselves and post them on the internet.

In my opinion, pornography is wrong whether it is tastefully done or not. It encourages young boys and men to behave in a violent manner towards women when they are trying to re-enact what they have seen. Also it can lead to creating pressure for girls to have sex with their boyfriends as the boy may be under pressure to perform as well.

The link below demonstrate than dangers associated with pornography:

Pornographic images can distort the way a person looks at women. The images below show the dangers linked with the porn industy:

Monday 26 April 2010

In response to Saeed, Ashan

i personally dont like drugs and think that they are a pointless thing to take as they wreck peoples lives and families.”

Hi Saeed, Ashan

I read you blog and I totally agree. Drugs do wreck people’s lives and does destroy families. I know someone who was on drugs and split his family in half he know lives on his own and living on J.S.A job seekers allowance. He has no future and lost all respect for himself. So I do agree on what your saying and I ergs people to stop because it gets you know were.


What is lust?

Lust is basically looking at someone with a desire to have them in a way only married couples are supposed to enjoy. It is a craving for sexual intimacy or a desire for the flesh of another. Lust can drive people to do a number of things they would not normally do.

Everyone lusts after someone, but does that make it right? In today’s society is hard not to lust after a particular person or particular people. Lust is one of the seven deadly sins as the effects of lust can destroy people. Married people who lust after someone may end up acting on that feeling and start an affair, which in turn will destroy their marriage.

In my opinion, lust is wrong. It is considered a sin and if acted upon can lead to disastrous consequences such as adultery, teenage pregnancy ect. The saying `It’s okay to look but not touch`, is completely over-rated. Although everyone says it, no one really just leaves it alone. The temptation of the flesh is overpowering and people act upon the lust they feel.

The links below talk about the power lust holds over a person:

The images below demonstrate the powers of lust:

Sunday 25 April 2010

In response to Stella tilemachou

We must learn to tell the truth as much bitter is. The truth is very important in relationship between people”

Hi Stella tilemachou

I read your blog and I understand where your point lies and yes I do agree that people should tell the truth because it is a key concept within a relationship, but what if you have to tell a lie to protect the other persons feeling or even tell a lie because you know that by telling the truth might cause you to loose the special person in you life. So I do agree to your opinion to a certain degree but I believe that sometime a little lie is needed in people’s lives because not everyone is perfect.


Alcohol in itself is not a bad substance. It is enjoyed by many on social occasions and is used to wind down after a long day. However if alcohol is abused it can lead to dire consequences. When people consume an excessive amount of alcohol, it clouds their judgment. This leads them to do things they would not do if they were thinking with a clear head. One of the most important consequences of consuming too much alcohol is driving under the influence of alcohol. When drink driving, the drivers reactions are much slower, increasing their risks of having an accident.

As well as this, consuming too much alcohol can make people do irresponsible things such as getting pregnant when they are not able to care for a child. In addition to this, alcohol also increases aggression within a person. When a person is drunk, they are more likely to have arguments which lead to physical violence.

Furthermore, drinking excessive amounts can cause a person to become an alcoholic. With this come problems of its own. By drinking an excess amount, people are vulnerable to depression which is increased as people tend to start drinking more as they feel down. Also it can lead to a number of illnesses such as liver problems in the future.

In today’s society a large number of people are turning to alcohol has a comforter. With many of them being teenage drinkers. Teenagers are starting to drink at a much younger age and due to this are getting themselves into more trouble than they should be, with things such as getting pregnant or putting themselves in unnecessary danger.

In my opinion, people are putting themselves at risk by drinking excess amounts of alcohol. There are a number of problems in today’s society that would be solved if people took into consideration their alcohol levels and drank sensibly instead of going on benders every night and binge drinking.

The websites below highlight the dangers of alcohol abuse:

The images below show how people are affected by alcohol:

Saturday 24 April 2010


Adultery is committed by people whether they want to admit it or not. It destroys couples and tears families apart. Adultery in every sense is wrong and there is a common belief that once a cheat always a cheat.

In a relationship, adultery is often committed by men. Although they have many excuses as to why they are unfaithful to their partners, nothing can justify adultery. Many try and justify adultery by claiming that their relationship was already on the rocks and they were unhappy in their relationship. Others claim that they could not help themselves, that they enjoyed the new attention they were receiving. Also when a relationship is not working out, many who do turn to adultery think that an affair will be a quick fix to their problems and that it is the easy way out instead of admitting that there is a problem within the relationship.

In addition to this adultery tears families apart. When the affair is uncovered, it breaks up the marriage, which in turn will end in a divorce and if there are children involved the whole thing will be a messy finish. Also adultery leads to distrust. When someone has committed adultery in a relationship, their partner will find it hard to trust others in their life and any other partner they may have in the future.

In conclusion, adultery is wrong in every sense. There is no way in which someone can justify adultery. If people are unhappy in their current relationship, they should man up and admit that there is a problem and take it upon themselves to fix whatever is it that needs fixing and if it cannot be fixed, they should end the relationship in a dignified manner.

The website below gives the top reasons as to why men commit adultery and the signs of adultery:,,598861_158061,00.html

The images below demonstrate adultery:

In response to Court, Donna

“With society today, stealing is the easy option. Many people steal to 'get by' or because of peer pressure issues. It is obviously bad to steal and the Bible reffers to it 'Thou shalt not steal'”

Hi Donna Court

I understand that in today society stealing is becoming more common and I agree that people do steal because of peer pressure and the reason of getting by in life. And is clearly does state in the bible that stealing is wrong and it is one of the 10th commandments. Some people might say stealing is wrong no matter what and I agree to that statement to a certain degree because what if someone needs to steal to support there family and survive because they are financially unstable. Then the question is? Is it wrong to steal then.

Thursday 22 April 2010


Although racism for many is a thing of the past, it is still very visible in today’s society. For many people it is something they have to face everyday. Racism is treating someone differently because of the colour of their skin or their culture. This is against the law worldwide. However even though it is against the law, it still occurs in everyday life without anything being done to prevent it.

People turn to racism and prejudice when they feel threatened by something new that they do not understand. Also they tend to be racist depending on how they have been bought up. If they have been surrounded with people that are racist, then they will feel that is natural to feel like that and will behave in that manner.

Racism is carried out in a number of ways. It can start out as verbal abuse such as name calling, verbal threats to physical damage such as violence and destruction of property. Prejudice and racism stems from being ignorant and fearing the unknown.

Personally, to me racism is a big issue. Being a British Asian and a Muslim I am not a stranger to racism or prejudice. Since the 9/11 attacks, the way people look at Muslims has completely changes. When they see us on the streets, they automatically assume that we are terrorists. Although I have not been attacked, other people that I know have been verbally abused because of their faith.

In conclusion, racism still remains to be a big issue for many around the globe and not just here in England. Although people are less aware of the racism and prejudice occurring daily, it is still occurring without any action being taken against it.

The websites below show young people how to get help if they are victims of racism and how to fight it:

The images below show what racism can lead to:

In response to Kams Blog Of Randomness

If i was a smoker, which THANK GOD i'm not, i would give myself a BIG SLAP so that it would make me realise what a FOOL i am for wasting my money and destroying my health on 'FAGS'”

I just don't get it.....why do people smoke? If it's to kill yourself won't it be easier just to jump off a building, or get hit by a bus? At least it wouldn't be slow and painful!!!”

Hi Kam

I understand why you think smoking is pointless and I can explain to you why people smoke. There are many reasons why people smoke to act cool, stress and relaxation. For me personally I smoke because I enjoy it and it relaxes me when situation gets bad, it comforts me and it helps me concentrate. I also know that it is effecting my health and I know smoking will slowly kill me inside, but the fact is I enjoy it and it helps me when times are hard, to put it blunt it gives me closure.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy in the UK is the highest in all of Europe. As teenagers are becoming sexually active at a much younger age than they used to they are not doing enough to protect themselves.

There are a number of reasons as to why teenage pregnancy in the UK is so high. One of the main reasons is peer pressure. Teenagers are under pressure from everywhere. They feel pressure from their peers who may have already sex therefore they feel they must also have sex. Due to them rushing into having sex, they fail to take the precautions needed to avoid such situations.
Another source of pressure teenagers feel is from the media. Our culture revolves around sex. The media continually is portraying images of sexual activity between members of the opposite sex. By being around sex and hearing how pleasurable it is, teenagers are more likely to rush into having sex before they are ready.

Despite the number of various contraceptions available, teenagers are failing to use them. This may be down to the fact that they are not aware of what is available to them as they have not yet received the information from their schools during sex education.

Teenage pregnancy is a difficult issue for a teenager to deal with. They are faced with so many problems. How are they going to look after a child? How are they going to tell their parents? Should they keep the baby or should they have an abortion? Although many girls choose to have an abortion while others choose to have their child, it is hard situation for both. Those who decide to have an abortion face a traumatic time in their lives. They are left with an unbearable guilt that can affect their health and relationships they may have in the future.

Overall, I believe that teenage pregnancy is hard for both the girl and the boy. Teenagers should be more careful when they are sexually active. The consequences that follow a teenage pregnancy are bad for everyone involved it the situation and teenagers should wait until they are married and ready to have a child. A teenager should not be pregnant or have a child of their own as they are still a child themselves, and are not fit to care for a child.

The websites below offer help and support to those who are pregnant or have had an abortion:

The images below show how young the girls are who are getting pregnant:

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Plastic Surgery:

After many years, plastic surgery is no longer restricted to the rich and famous. It is now accessible to everyone around the world. Many turn to plastic surgery to perfect imperfections such as having a nose job or having their breasts enlarged. For many, plastic surgery is the easy way out when people are suffering from self esteem issues.

Plastic surgery can also become an addiction. Starting with a simple nip and tuck for many people it does not stop there. Once they have perfected one flaw, they begin to find new flaws with themselves which they think need to be perfected. This in turn leads them to have more plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is an expensive process to continuously undergo. Due to this is will strain the person’s financial resources and if the person has a family, this will also put a strain on the family’s resources available.

As with everything, the media continuously bombards society with image of `perfect` celebrities who have the perfect body. These bodies are achieved through plastic surgery and when the benefits are seen by the ordinary people, they too want to achieve the look of perfection. But as with everything, plastic surgery comes with health risks of its own. With plastic surgery there is always the risk of catching infections that may in some cases lead to death.

In my opinion, plastic surgery should only be used for reconstruction purposes such as covering a scar that is distasteful. It should not be used for cosmetic purposes such as liposuction, nose jobs etc. as I believe people should be happy with who they are and not change themselves because of what other people think of them or what the media says they should look like.

The websites below highlight the dangers of plastic surgery and how high the costs are for such surgery:

The images below show the wonders and dangers of plastic surgery:

Danger of plastic sugery:

Wonders of plastic surgery:

Monday 19 April 2010


For many people abortion is seen as wrong. It is knowingly taking an unborn child’s life. From the minute of conception, the fertilised egg becomes a baby, and many believe that abortion is the murder of an innocent child.

In addition to this, the foetus is a human being therefore it has the same rights as a living child does. According to this a foetus should not be aborted as every human being is entitled to live their life. Also with abortions, it is as if people are trying to play God. God is the one who gives life and God is the only one allowed to take it.

It is a common misconception that the foetus does not feel pain in the womb. However as the foetus grows it can feel the pain. So when the foetus is being aborted, the foetus is able to feel pain. Furthermore a baby can be aborted up to 24 weeks. By this time the foetus is a grown baby as it starts to develop its features.

As well as this, having an abortion can cause the pregnant female to develop psychological stress as deep guilt starts to set in. Also by having an abortion it can cause females to develop problems in later relationships. Another problem that many females develop is eating disorders due to developing low self-esteem and the guilt they may feel.

With abortions come side effects. It can damage the female’s body internally causing them to become infertile. Another reason as to why abortion is seen as being bad is that father’s do not have a say in the matter. If a female wants to abort her unborn child, and the father wants to keep the child, the female will have the final say over whether the baby is to be aborted or not.

I believe that abortions are wrong. No one has the right to decide whether a child should be born or not. If people are careless enough to have unprotected sex, they should deal with the consequences. Just because they two people decided to have unprotected sex, does not mean they can abort a child because they cannot take responsibility for it. If people cannot accept the consequences that come with having sex, then they should not be having sex in the first place.

The websites below show how abortions affect people and what they do to an unborn child:

The images below highlight how people are against abortions:

Sunday 18 April 2010

Premarital Sex

In a culture that is sex dominated, many do not wait until they are married to have sex. Many feel that to wait until marriage is outdated and archaic. With premarital sex, comes a number of problems. These range from the possibility of becoming pregnant to contracting STDs.

There are various reasons as to why people have premarital sex. One of the main reasons as to why people decide to have sex is due to alcohol. When drunk, a person’s judgment is clouded and weakens their resistance to sexual overtures; therefore they are more likely to have sex. Another important reason as to why premarital sex occurs is that a steady boyfriend or girlfriend can invite nature to run its course. When strong attachments are formed, physical signs of affections are displayed. This can lead to sex before marriage.

In addition to this, parents who show adolescents that premarital sex is okay, their children are more likely to have premarital sex. Also parents who leave their children alone for hours at a time or letting their children come and go as they please are setting up the opportunity for premarital sex to occur.

Premarital sex can cause people, especially teenagers a number of problems. It can lead to emotional distress, distrust if things go wrong, regret and the feeling of emptiness once the act has been committed. One of the biggest issues in England and many other countries is teenage pregnancy. This is what premarital sex leads to. As more teenagers are become sexually active at a young age, they are not fully aware of the risks involved.

In my opinion, two people should have sex once they are married because I believe that by then they will both be ready and emotionally mature enough to handle what comes with it. Sex connects two people in body and spirit and it is important not to rush into things as with many people their first time is not how they imagine it to be leaving them with regret and wishing they could take it back.

The websites below show the different attitudes towards premarital sex:

The images below highlight how physical displays of affection can lead to premarital sex:

Saturday 17 April 2010


Gambling refers to the betting of money on a game which carries an uncertain outcome with the intention of winning an additional amount of money. It is offered in a number of places such as casinos, betting shops or electronic games like slot machines or video poker. Although gambling starts as a recreational activity for people, for many it does not end there.

Gambling can become an addiction for many people. It can lead them down a path of crime as with any addiction, gamblers will crave for the adrenaline rush they receive when they make a win on their bet. In addition to this, gamblers tend to drift away from their families as they are not trusted by family members. In order to feed their addiction, gamblers tend to spend time and money at the expense of their jobs, families and friends.

There are a number of reasons as to why people turn to gambling. These range from releasing stress to trying to find friendship as they may lack companionship in their life. As a gamblers addiction to the game grows, they tend to start behaving in a secretive manner and start borrowing money or taking out secret loans to quench their thirst.

Despite the losses gamblers suffer, they continue to bet in the hope that they will eventually make some profit on the money they bet. However an addiction to gambling will ultimately leave the gambler bankrupt and lead them to losing their loved ones.

The websites below highlight the dangers of gambling:

The images below show different types of gambling that occur in casinos: