Saturday 1 May 2010


Greed can mean a number of things to different people. Nut ultimately it has the one definition, the excessive desire to possess more than what one needs or deserves.

Many are guilty of being greedy. Although we possess more than we need, we are always wanting more. For example money. The thirst for money drives many people to carry out criminal offences such as dealing drugs so that they could make their money and live that extravagant lifestyle that their greed has driven them to.

Greed can also ruin people’s lives. Due to their greed, people can lose their family and those that are close to them as they will do what ever it takes to gain what they want. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins. Although it is a sin, it is also bad in general as it can ruin people’s lives and hurt others in the process.

I personally feel that greed is one of them things that once a person gets a taste of something, they are likely to keep doing it. For example if a person is used to an extravagant lifestyle and always get what they want, their thirst for possession will grow and will continue to grow as they will not be satisfied with what they have but will continually want more. Even though they do not need it and probably will not use any of it, they still need to have it in their possession. I believe that greed is bad as it drives people to become someone they are not as they strive to possess more than they need and lose disregard for those around them.

The links below define what greed is and how it may affect a person:

The images below also demonstrate greed:

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