Sunday 18 April 2010

Premarital Sex

In a culture that is sex dominated, many do not wait until they are married to have sex. Many feel that to wait until marriage is outdated and archaic. With premarital sex, comes a number of problems. These range from the possibility of becoming pregnant to contracting STDs.

There are various reasons as to why people have premarital sex. One of the main reasons as to why people decide to have sex is due to alcohol. When drunk, a person’s judgment is clouded and weakens their resistance to sexual overtures; therefore they are more likely to have sex. Another important reason as to why premarital sex occurs is that a steady boyfriend or girlfriend can invite nature to run its course. When strong attachments are formed, physical signs of affections are displayed. This can lead to sex before marriage.

In addition to this, parents who show adolescents that premarital sex is okay, their children are more likely to have premarital sex. Also parents who leave their children alone for hours at a time or letting their children come and go as they please are setting up the opportunity for premarital sex to occur.

Premarital sex can cause people, especially teenagers a number of problems. It can lead to emotional distress, distrust if things go wrong, regret and the feeling of emptiness once the act has been committed. One of the biggest issues in England and many other countries is teenage pregnancy. This is what premarital sex leads to. As more teenagers are become sexually active at a young age, they are not fully aware of the risks involved.

In my opinion, two people should have sex once they are married because I believe that by then they will both be ready and emotionally mature enough to handle what comes with it. Sex connects two people in body and spirit and it is important not to rush into things as with many people their first time is not how they imagine it to be leaving them with regret and wishing they could take it back.

The websites below show the different attitudes towards premarital sex:

The images below highlight how physical displays of affection can lead to premarital sex:

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