Monday 3 May 2010

Joy Riding

Joy riding in the UK is a criminal offence for many reasons. Joy riding is a slang term used in the UK for stealing a vehicle and driving it, with the driver being underage.

Although this is a criminal offence it does not stop youngsters today from going joy riding. Many youngsters go joy riding for the adrenaline rush they feel. When they are behind the wheel of a car, they feel free. They are able to escape from their troubles and do as they please. However when youngsters are going out and joy riding, they are mostly drunk or under the influence of drugs so they are not fully aware of their surroundings and their reactions are slower than usual.

This can leave these youngsters in a web of trouble and in worst case scenario, the may end killing someone and themselves in the process.

There are endless reasons as to why youngsters go out joy riding. For many its simply the thrill they receive, for others it to get away from reality.

I believe that even though joy riding is a criminal offence, morally it is bad as well. It can ruin young people’s lives, ending them before they even begun. Although it is a criminal offence many youngsters do it. Youngsters where I live go out joy riding without anyone saying anything about it. Around here it is seen as normal to see a teenager behind the wheel of a car. However the police are around on the streets more thus these youngsters are being stopped.

All in all, joy riding is bad. Although many youngsters try and justify it as being just a little bit of fun, there are disastrous consequences associated with this little bit of fun.

The links below explain what joy riding is and what the consequences associated with it are:

The images below show the realities of joy-riding:

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