Monday 19 April 2010


For many people abortion is seen as wrong. It is knowingly taking an unborn child’s life. From the minute of conception, the fertilised egg becomes a baby, and many believe that abortion is the murder of an innocent child.

In addition to this, the foetus is a human being therefore it has the same rights as a living child does. According to this a foetus should not be aborted as every human being is entitled to live their life. Also with abortions, it is as if people are trying to play God. God is the one who gives life and God is the only one allowed to take it.

It is a common misconception that the foetus does not feel pain in the womb. However as the foetus grows it can feel the pain. So when the foetus is being aborted, the foetus is able to feel pain. Furthermore a baby can be aborted up to 24 weeks. By this time the foetus is a grown baby as it starts to develop its features.

As well as this, having an abortion can cause the pregnant female to develop psychological stress as deep guilt starts to set in. Also by having an abortion it can cause females to develop problems in later relationships. Another problem that many females develop is eating disorders due to developing low self-esteem and the guilt they may feel.

With abortions come side effects. It can damage the female’s body internally causing them to become infertile. Another reason as to why abortion is seen as being bad is that father’s do not have a say in the matter. If a female wants to abort her unborn child, and the father wants to keep the child, the female will have the final say over whether the baby is to be aborted or not.

I believe that abortions are wrong. No one has the right to decide whether a child should be born or not. If people are careless enough to have unprotected sex, they should deal with the consequences. Just because they two people decided to have unprotected sex, does not mean they can abort a child because they cannot take responsibility for it. If people cannot accept the consequences that come with having sex, then they should not be having sex in the first place.

The websites below show how abortions affect people and what they do to an unborn child:

The images below highlight how people are against abortions:

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