Thursday 18 March 2010


When you ask someone is taking drugs is a bad thing, most of the time everyone replys yes it is. There are many types of drugs in the world each one stronger than others and each one gives different effects to different indiviual. The way in which society classes this is by catergerising them in different types.

For taking drugs or even dealing drugs, there are difffernt conciquences as you can see on the weblink below.

Here is a website which shows you the cartergories of drugs and the penalties for prossession and dealing drugs

Magic mushroom, which is a class A drug and grow in the wild. They cause the same effect as LSD when u eats them. The effect of magic muchroom can take up to 30min to 2hours. When you take magic mushrooms you feel that you are more confident, relaxed and in good spirited as well as this they can also speed up and slow down your sense of time and movement and You can feel more emotionally sensitive. Magic mushrooms are not addictive although, like with LSD, you can become tolerant of the effects quite quickly.
Cannabis is a class B drug and is the most common drug in Britain, this drug causes a person to be more chilled out or cause them sleepiness. Cannabis also has a mild hallucinogen meaning you may experience a state where you see objects and reality in a distorted way and may even hallucinate.

Here is a website which gives you more details about these drugs

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