Thursday 11 February 2010


On the week on smoking i never understood why people smoked. I realised now that there are many ressons why people pick up this bad habbit for example stress,looking cool and potraying themself to look like a bad man. Other ressons why people smoke is because they have the free chose to and doing so most people do it because they can. For me personally I don’t think smoking is worth doing because it causes lung cancer and other diseases. My question to all smokers is if they no smoking is harmful to youself and others then why risk taking up the bad habit.

Here is a website which can help people stop smoking, there are many others but this is one of the website i learnt in the lesson on smoking.

smokers i advise you to check it out!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Smoking is really really bad i dont understand why people smoke if they its going to kill them!As for lying there are allot reasons for why people lie! i have looked at all your links and they were very useful!!!
