Thursday 25 February 2010


For me personally, I think telling lies is not as bad as everyone thinks it is. The reason why I say this is because sometimes telling the truth might cause problems to who the lie is directed to. For example when your wife is pregnant and asks you am I going fat you can’t reply by saying yes you are, this might hurt her feelings. So the way I look at it is there are to types of lying white lies and bad lies and it all depends on the circumstance. Generally I think lying is wrong but it’s in our nature to lie because I believe it is a self defence mechanism when where in a situation to get out of problems.This website which I’m going to show you show us why people might lie. Click on link 1

Link 1:

The second web link is a video we watched in class about lieing. Click on link 2

Link 2:

I personally believe that telling lies isn’t the worst case. There are a lot of other things that are a lot worse than lying. but the fact is everyone lies once in there life time and we can not stop that because it’s a part of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i agree with you. Your blog is outstanding. Good work.
